Which MIDI Software Do You Rate? David Knopfler Dear Diary, It's getting to that time to send my copy in to 1984 Online - erk. What to do? ... This space was to be a review of Steinberg Cubase VST 24 version 4.0 - which "integrates audio and MIDI for a complete recording studio solution," they say. Regretfully Steinberg failed to keep their promise and have not at the time of writing (12.3.'99.) delivered their review bumph. Nor indeed did they respond at all to the reminder. Additionally their technical department failed to reply to the query laboriously completed by yours truly on their support form for that matter about a problem I was having with version 2.0 which as a mere 68k user for my studio set up is all my poor old CPU can cope with. Is this the kind of company you want as a partner when you are recording albums? Seems a legitimate question to ask doesn't it? So, while I wait for that information to arrive, hopefully in time for the next edition, I suggest you visit MacHome Interactive and take a look at their glowing review of Cakewalk which for $200 is certainly a deal cheaper. --------------------- Subject: Re: Cubase Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 05:43:21 EST From: ICtomwendt@aol.com To: david@knopfler.com Hi, thanks for your interest in Cubase. I'll send a promo a.s.a.p best Regards Thomas Wendt --------------------- Then you can go pick the bones out of some of the following sites which offer MIDI related software for the Mac and iMac. The following listing by the way was condensed and compiled from recent update entries found at the completely outstanding VersionTracker (www.versiontracker.com) website which delivered all these links in seconds c/o it's excellent search and database. If you've never visited VersionTracker you're missing possibly the most essential Mac site on the web period and certainly for tracking updates and other goodies. Opcode Studio Vision Pro - MIDI & digital audio recording, sequencing http://www.opcode.com/dl/svpro/svp_mac.html 4.2.1 Opcode Vision DSP - MIDI and audio recording and sequencing for music and media http://www.opcode.com/dl/vision/vis_mac.html 4.2.1 Emagic Logic Audio - integrated MIDI & digital audio sequencer, for Platinum & Gold vers. http://www2.emagic.de/english/support/download/logicmac.html 3.7.2 MIDIGraphy - MIDI sequencer to edit, play back and record standard MIDI files - 960k http://ux01.so-net.or.jp/~mmaeda/indexe.html 1.4.2 Club MID - plays standard MIDI files, play list offers sequential or random orders - 204k http://www.tcp-ip.or.jp/~setsu/clubMid.html 1.1 Midimizer - assemble & playback a list of QuickTime MIDI files with shuffle & repeat - 363k http://www.moonbeam-online.com/products/midimizer.html 1.0 MOTU FreeMIDI - complete MIDI operating system with an optional OMS emulator extension - 1.7M http://www.mOtu.com/english/software/freemidi/fmdist.html 1.38 Emagic Unitor8 - driver & firmware v1.2.9 for the MIDI interface and synchronizer - 603k http://www2.emagic.de/english/support/download/toolsmac.html 1.0.6 MIDWorld - FutureBasic II programmer's tool for playing MIDI music in your programs - 383k http://www2.hawaii.edu./~dereksmi/midworld/midworld.html 4.0.5a Coda Finale - MIDI & notation tools to print music scores http://www.codamusic.com/downloads.htm#macintosh 98d VSamp - oms, freemidi, sound manager compatible multitimbral sample playback module - 401k http://www.kagi.com/smaug/vsamp/ 2.4.4 Res Rocket - allows you to play with other musicians on the net via MIDI - 1.5M http://www.resrocket.com/software/release.html 1.2.1 Opcode OMS - manages the flow of MIDI info between apps &MIDI hardware - 3.5M http://www.opcode.com/dl/oms/oms_mac.html 2.3.6 / lite Coda Finale Allegro - music notation software, MIDI & notation tools to print scores http://www.codamusic.com/finall98.htm 98 Midi Delay - realtime midi effects application works like a hardware digital delay http://www2.cybernex.net/~jonwitte/ReadMididelay.html 3.0.1 Motu Unisyn profiles - updated profiles for the MIDI device editor / librarian - 3.3M http://www.motu.com/ www.knopfler.com Founder member of Dire Straits Author of 'The Bluffers Guide to Rock'